Medical Grade PRP for Male & Female Sexual Health, Erectile Dysfunction vaginal dryness/leakage and penis girth enlargement.
This is a high-yield medical-grade system used for Osteoarthritis, Hair Loss, Erectile Dysfunction and Female genital rejevination.
What makes this system so much better than the others, is the container. It spins just for 3 mins at 90 degrees in a centrifuge. Using 25ml of volume it is possible to obtain 2.75 to 9 billion platelets. (very few damaged platelets) No other device can match this data.
Meaning it works, and works well.
Just 3/4 sessions should make a world of a difference. .
If you have been thinking getting this treatment, you must know that not all PRP treatments are effective. It is because not all PRP devices and collection tubes are made the same.
Wold PRP centrifuge machine is a high quality medical grade machine giving you a very high yield of platelet quality and quantity (12ml - 15mls from one tube). It spins your blood in a horizontal axis unlike the standard PRP machines which spins in a 45° angle and in a standard test tube. So, if a standard PRP centrifuge gives platelet count in millions, this PRP device gives its count in a billions. Not only this, with this PRP technology, we can separate PRF, PRP and PPP which has various amounts of platelet count, which means you can use the high platelet quantity PRF in the areas where you need the most and the PRP & PPP in less important areas.
Having treatment with superior quality and quantity PRP/ PRF means you will not only see far greater results but also you will need fewer sessions to achieve a greater treatment outcome than all the other other companies who stil use standard PRP techniques.
Appointments only please.
Maple House, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 9RD United Kingdom
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Let me answer your questions - just WhatsApp me now. Regards Richard